AIOLOS MVP expected April 2023!

The AIOLOS MVP (Minimum Viable Product) will consist in a web-based platform offering epidemic signal detection models, forecasting models and scenario planning analysis based on a first bunch of data sources, including hospital data, ambulatory care data, but also wastewater data, social media mining, mobility tracking, … The MVP will focus mainly on Covid historical data, with a view to train the models and validate their consistency.

Scope will be extended in the post-MVP phase to include other respiratory pathogens, including influenza and RSV, and prospective analysis based on real-time data. Post-MVP modular improvements will also allow for integration of additional data sources and models, and extensive work on the dashboard design.

Final delivery of the project will be a web-based dashboard powered by an advanced analytics engine and fed by relevant data sources, with a view to support the need of public and private decision makers in the early detection and monitoring of epidemics.