AIOLOS is developing a data integration platform designed to detect respiratory pathogens epidemics, monitor their spread and inform decisions on appropriate counter measures through scenario modelling. The overall objective of the project is to provide insights for both private and public decision-makers in a web-based dashboard, which leverages real-time data from multiple data sources and combines them using advanced analytical technics including artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive modelling.
The AIOLOS solution includes three main streams:
- Data integration from a variety of sources either publicly available or provided by the different partners of the consortium,
- Data analysis using AI and modelling, to detect signal and predict future trends or expected impact of response measures,
- Dashboarding to provide end-results easily interpretable by decision-makers.
AIOLOS, which is conducted by a public-private consortium of research institutions, healthcare industries and high-tech companies, aims at delivering a pre-industrial solution in two years (March 2024). To achieve this ambitious goal, AIOLOS partners have promoted a step-by-step approach, with the delivery of a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) by April 2023, and then modular improvements all along the second year of the project.