The Covid-19 crisis has confirmed the need for a resilient multi-stakeholder surveillance and control system to manage current and future epidemics or pandemics. AIOLOS wishes to contribute to this global effort, but for sure the project cannot be run in isolation: our conviction is that we can only succeed if we connect the dots, by building on the many ongoing efforts worldwide to strengthen pandemic preparedness.
AIOLOS already engaged with the new EU Health Emergency Response Authority (HERA): our ambition is to contribute to the set-up of multipartite resilient surveillance systems in the EU, and we believe this could support the HERA mission.
Synergies are also sought with the Berlin WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence in Berlin and other key initiatives in this field, with a view to build on this global effort. Activity is also ongoing about the governance and sustainability of such a platform with various think tanks, policy makers and private companies working already on data intelligence. We trust that we can overcome the next pandemic only if we all work together: public sector, private sector and civil society. Indeed the delivery of appropriate and timely countermeasures and economic resilience is only possible if private sector is part of the effort.